Terms of Reference and Membership 2024/25

Meets twice a year in March/April and October

Terms of Reference
To advise the Director and the Advisory Council on all matters relating to the requirements of, and policy to be followed in the Institute’s Library, both in view of the needs of the Institute as a centre for legal research and study and in relation to the resources of other libraries.


One representative of each University of London law school

Caitlin Moore (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Dr Mauro Barelli (City, University of London)
Professor Elaine Genders, (University College London)
Dr Olivier Hamlyn (Birkbeck, University of London)
Professor David Kershaw (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Claire Mazer (Brunel, University of London)
Ian Moore (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Dr Aislinn O’Connell (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Dr Shalini Perera (Queen Mary University of London)
Charlie Worthington (King’s College London)

Three members representing non-University of London law schools

Professor Fiona Cownie (Keele University) (Chair)
Dr Peter Dunne (University of Bristol)

Two representatives of professional users

Stephen Hockman KC (6 Pump Court)
Renae Satterley (Librarian, Middle Temple)

One representative of the British Library

Ben Hadley,  Social Sciences Subject Librarian

One representative of student users

Hazel Stevenson, IALS Research Student

The Director of the Institute (ex officio)

Professor Carl Stychin

Librarian of the Institute (ex officio)

Marilyn Clarke