Terms of Reference & Membership 2024-25

Meets once a year in March.

Terms of Reference

To advise the Director and the Advisory Council on resource and financial policies with a view to promoting co-operation between the Institute and the schools of the University where law is taught. The main business of the Committee, which is made up of the Director of the Institute, the Librarian and the Heads of the London Law Schools (or their representative), is to agree the contributions by the schools in respect of services provided by the Institute Library for postgraduate taught course law students.


Professor David Kershaw (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Professor  Dan Hunter (Dean, King's College London) 
Professor Eddie Bruce-Jones (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Professor Eloise Scotford (University College London)
Professor Ioannis Kokkoris, (Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London)
Hannah Drinkwater, (Queen Mary University of London) 
Kate Price, Queen Mary (University of London) 

The Director of the Institute (ex officio): Professor Carl Stychin (chair)
The Institute Librarian (ex officio): Marilyn Clarke
In Attendance: Alex Bussey