Booking Information

Conference Accommodation and Price List

Room Code Designation Seating capacity External Rate Academic Rate
Theatres     Per hour

Per hour


Council Chamber 100* £115.00 £90.00
LT Lecture Theatre 100* £115.00 £90.00
L103/L104 Seminar Room 40+/70* £115.00 £90.00
Meeting Rooms     Per hour Per hour
CR Conference Room 24+/40* £75.00 £50.00


Seminar Room 24+ £75.00 £50.00
L102 Seminar Room 18+ £75.00 £50.00
L103 Seminar Room 24+ £75.00 £50.00
L104 Seminar Room 16   £75.00 £50.00

+ boardroom style       * lecture theatre style

External Rate: For all other organisations, non HEIs
Academic Rate: University of London Colleges and other HEIs
  • Catering
  • Equipment
  • Insurance
  • Enquires and bookings

Prices from 1st August 2023.


For further details on catering requirements, please contact Charlene Desporte


Each room is equipped with a PC/projector for PowerPoint and internet access for presentations. Guest WiFi is available via UoL Conferences.


The hirer is recommended to ensure that his/her organisation has adequate insurance to indemnify itself and its officers against claims arising from third party and employer's liabilities. The hirer is responsible for insuring property brought into the Institute.

Contact Us

If you would like further information about our conference facilities and to check availability, please contact:

Enquiries and Bookings

Charlene Desporte
Space and Facilities Officer
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Charles Clore House
17 Russell Square

Telephone: 020 7862 5870 (Direct Line)
Fax: 020 7862 5770