These guidelines have been produced partly at the request of individual legal institutions and practitioners, partly to condense information and records management advice already available for the legal sector and partly to begin to fill the gaps in available advice.  They are works in progress and have been placed on the LRAR website as discussion drafts for review by interested parties and subject matter experts.  LRAR would be most grateful for comments, corrections and suggestions for amendment – all reviews should be sent to the LRAR Project Director,

Guideline 1: advice currently available to legal institutions on managing records PDF 221.98 KB
Guideline 2: advice to legal institutions on disposing of records PDF 172.74 KB
Guideline 3: advice to legal institutions on identifying records of permanent research value PDF 309.34 KB
Guideline 4: advice to legal institutions on confidentiality and research access to records PDF 247.07 KB
Guideline 5: advice to legal institutions on the business benefits of depositing records in an archives PDF 250.87 KB
Guideline 6: advice to legal institutions on the business benefits of an information and records management programme PDF 227.45 KB
Guideline 7: advice to legal institutions on digital continuity and managing digital records PDF 296.19 KB
Guideline 8: advice to legal institutions on managing email PDF 203.32 KB
Guideline 9: advice to legal institutions on managing documents in shared network drives PDF 207.28 KB