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Dr Maria Mousmouti

Associate Research Fellow

LLB (Faculty of Law, University of Athens); LLM (Institute of Social Law, Katholieke University of Leuven, Belgium); PhD (IALS, University of London)

Research Interests

Legislative effectiveness; Legislative quality and legislative drafting; Better Regulation policies; legislative evaluation; Equality and non-discrimination Law; EU Law; EU and national law.

Additional Information

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Maria Mousmouti specialises in law-making, legislative quality and effectiveness, legislative design and drafting and equality and fundamental rights. Her expertise covers law-making, legislative drafting, ex-ante and ex-post legislative scrutiny and gender-sensitive scrutiny of legislation.

She has worked with Parliaments and governmental institutions around the world (Afghanistan, Bangsamoro, Ukraine, Myanmar, Maldives, Bhutan, Gambia, Western Balkans, Syria, Uzbekistan, Serbia, among several others) on ways to improve the quality of legislation and methods to make law-making more evidence-based and effective. She works as an expert for the Research Executive Agency of the European Union in project evaluation.


Books and contributions to edited volumes (indicative)

M. Mousmouti, Chapter 10 Aliens’ Right Not to Be Discriminated Against (Article 14 and Protocol 12 ECHR) in David Moya & Georgios Milios (Eds), Aliens before the European Court of Human Rights (Eds), Brill, 2021, p. 211–234,

M. Mousmouti, ´Greece´ in U. Karpen, H. Xanthaki (Eds) Legislation in Europe: a country by country guide, Hart 2020 

M. Mousmouti, ‘Designing Effective Legislation’ (book) (2019), Edward Elgar Publishers

M. Mousmouti, ‘Law, human rights and the New Urban Agenda: pure rhetoric or an opportunity for legislative reform?’ in N. Davidson, G. Tewari (Eds), Law and the New Urban  Agenda Routledge 2020 (Book chapter) 

M. Mousmouti, ‘Multi-level lawmaking and Better Regulation in the European Union: a critical approach’ (Book chapter) in Patricia Popelier, Helen Xanthaki, William Robinson, João Tiago Silveira, Felix Uhlmann (Eds) Lawmaking in Multi-level Settings: Legislative Challenges in Federal Systems and the European Union (Nomos Verlag, 2019) 93-112

M. Mousmouti, ‘Evaluation as a real life measure of legislation’ in KLRI-IAL Conference Proceedings 2017

Claire van Overdijk, Maria Mousmouti and Haris Meidanis, Chapter 37: Greece, international protection of Adults, Oxford University Press, March 2015 (Book Chapter)

National Confederation of People with Disabilities, Maria Mousmouti/C. Christopoulou (main authors), Compatibility study of Greek Legislation with the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, National Confederation of People with Disabilities, 2015 

M. Mousmouti & G. Crispi, “Good” Legislation as a Means of Ensuring Voice, Accountability, and the Delivery of Results in Urban Development, World Bank Law Review 2014, accessible at: (Book Chapter) 

Journal articles (indicative)

M. Mousmouti, Pursuing Effectiveness in Urban Legislation (forthcoming in 2021), European Journal of Law Reform 

M. Mousmouti, Operationalising effectiveness of legislation: unfolding the effectiveness test’ (2019) 3  European Journal of Risk and Regulation 445-465

M. Mousmouti, Effectiveness as an Aspect of Quality of EU Legislation: Is it Feasible? (2014) 2:3, The Theory and Practice of Legislation, 309-327

M. Mousmouti, The “effectiveness test” as a tool for law reform, IALS Student Law Review, Volume 2, Issue 1, Autumn 2014

M. Mousmouti, ‘Effectiveness as an ‘aid’ to legislative drafting’, The Loophole 2014 (2)

M. Mousmouti, Operationalising Quality of Legislation through the Effectiveness Test (2012), Legisprudence, 6:2, 191-205

Papers and reports (indicative)

M. Mousmouti & S. Kareklas, Analysis of Comparative Practices in selected Council fo Europe member states regarding criteria for assessing the complexity of cases in relation to the work of public prosecutors, European Union & Council of Europe, October 2021 

M. Mousmouti, Gender – sensitive Post-Legislative Scrutiny, WDF, London, June 2020 

M. Mousmouti, Case study 1: Gender-Sensitive Post-Legislative Scrutiny of general legislation, WFD, London, June 2020 

M. Mousmouti, Case study 2: Post-legislative scrutiny of gender-specific legislation, WFD, London, June 2020 

M. Mousmouti, Case study 3: Data and gender-sensitive post-legislative scrutiny, WFD, London, June 2020

M. Mousmouti, Mental Disability and decision making capacity in: T. Vidalis (ed), The Age of Autonomy. A Guide to Rights in Mental Health (book chapter), 2015 

M. Mousmouti et al, ‘Protecting Victims’ Rights in the EU: the theory and practice of diversity of treatment during the criminal trial’ 2014

Regioplan, Study on Mobility, Migration and Destitution in the European Union, (Chapter on Greece)