Research Interests

Legislative Drafting, Law-making, Legislative Quality (common law, civil law, EU, comparative)

Additional Information

  • Professor, UCL
  • Dean, Postgraduate Laws Programmes, University of London
  • Visiting Professor, QMUL
  • Member, Committee for Scrutiny of Quality of Legislative Process, General Secretariat for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Presidency of the Hellenic Government



Helen Xanthaki and Giulia Pennisi (eds.), Language for Legislation and Legislation through Language (forthcoming, Routledge)

Maria Mousmouti, Constantin Stefanou, and Helen Xanthaki, The Lifecycle of Legislation (forthcoming, Elgar Publishers, London)

Helen Xanthaki and Szabo Zsolt (eds.), Comparative Legislatures (forthcoming, Elgar Publishers, London)

Helen Xanthaki, Legislative Drafting for the EU: Transposition Techniques as a Roadmap for Better Legislation and a Sustainable EU (2024, Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham)

Helen Xanthaki, Thornton’s Legislative Drafting 6th Edition, (2022, Bloomsbury, London) 

Ulrich Karpen and Helen Xanthaki (eds.), Legislation in Europe: A Country by Country Handbook for Scholars and Practitioners (2020, Hart Publishers, Oxford)  

Patricia Popelier, Helen Xanthaki and al (eds.), Lawmaking in Multi-level Settings: Legislative Challenges in Federal Systems and the European Union (2019, Nomos-Hart Publishers, Oxford and Baden-Baden)

Ulrich Karpen and Helen Xanthaki (eds), Legislation in Europe: A Handbook for Scholars and Practitioners, 2017, Hart Publishers, Oxford) 

Helen Xanthaki, Drafting Legislation: Art and Technology of Rules for Regulation (2014, Hart Publishers, Oxford) 

Chapters in Books

Helen Xanthaki, “Pre-legislative Scrutiny in Greece” in Panagiotis Petrakis, P. V. Boufounou, P.C. Kostis (eds), The Political Economy of Evaluation in Greece. The Political Economy of Greek Growth up to 2030 (2024, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.), 91-108,  

Helen Xanthaki, “La estructuracion legislative por capas commo herramienta pr el lenguaje claro y la accesibilidad” in Isabel Wences and Germán Arenas (eds), Cómo puede alguien cumplir una ley que nadie entiende. Estudios interdisciplinarios sobre lenguaje claro y cultura de la legalidad (2024, Spain), 191-205

Helen Xanthaki and Matthildi Hatzipanayiotou, “Transposition of EU Regulations in Greece” in Adam Lazowski and Alicja Sikora-Kaleda (eds), EU Regulations in Practice: Legislative and Judicial Approaches (forthcoming, Hart Publishers, Oxford)

Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov and Helen Xanthaki, “Legislation, Legisprudence and Comparative Law” in Jan M. Smits, Jaakko Husa, Catherine Valcke, and Madalena Narciso (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law,, pp. 530-537

Helen Xanthaki and Adam Lazowski, “When Security Trumped the Rule of Law: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Heinrich - Case C-345/06 Gottfried Heinrich  ECLI:EU:C:2008: 212, Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston” in Graham Butler and Adam Lazowski, Shaping EU Law the British Way: UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union (2022, Hart, Oxford), pp.423-434

Helen Xanthaki, “Drafting for the EU: transposition as a drafting task” in Constantin Stefanou, Modern Legislative Drafting - A Research Companion (forthcoming, Routledge, UK)  

Helen Xanthaki, “Legislation as tool for trust in the EU” in Maria de Benedetto, Nicola Lupo, and Nicoletta Rangone, Legislation and Citizen Confidence (2020, Hart, Oxford), 83-102

Helen Xanthaki and Constantin Stefanou, “Modern trends in drafting and negotiating Bills” in Robert Zbiral, The Cradle of Laws: Drafting and Negotiating Bills within the Executives in Central Europe (2020, Nomos, Baden-Baden), 17-32

Helen Xanthaki and Efstratios Vouros, “Selected case studies: the case study of Greece” in Ivan Sammut and Jelena Agranovska, Implementing and Enforcing EU Criminal Law: Theory and Practice (2020, Eleven International Publishers, The Hague), 101-114

Helen Xanthaki, “Sunset clauses: a contribution to legislative quality” in Sofia Ranchordás and Yaniv Roznai, Time, Law and Change: An Interdisciplinary Study (2020, Hart, Oxford), 219-225

Helen Xanthaki and Ulrich Karpen, “Legislation in European Countries” in Ulrich Karpen and Helen Xanthaki, Legislation in Europe: A Country by Country Handbook for Scholars and Practitioners (2020, Hart Publishers, Oxford),1-34

Helen Xanthaki and Constantin Stefanou, “Legislation in the UK” in Ulrich Karpen and Helen Xanthaki, Legislation in Europe: A Country by Country Handbook for Scholars and Practitioners (2020, Hart Publishers, Oxford), 497-510  

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Helen Xanthaki, “The Greek Executive State Model: A Paradigm for Better Legislation” [2024] Statute Law Review 45,  

Helen Xanthaki, “Legislative reform in the EU – the role of drafting in legislative quality” (January 15, 2024), available at SSRN:

Helen Xanthaki, “Good urban law and how to achieve it” [2023] European Journal of Law Reform, forthcoming

Helen Xanthaki (with Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov), “Legislation, legisprudence and comparative law”, [2023] Elgar Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law 530-537

Helen Xanthaki, “Comprehensibility of EU legislation: Reform for a sustainable EU” [2022] Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtslinguistik (ZERL),  

Helen Xanthaki, “Gender Inclusive Legislative Drafting in English: A Drafter’s Response to Emily Grabham”, [2020] 10 2 Feminists@law, 

Public and International Reports

Helen Xanthaki (2024) “Direct communication with the citizen is needed” in Kathimerini newspaper 18 September 2024 (interview by Tania Georgiopoulou),

Helen Xanthaki (2023) “The 'one in, one out' principle: A real better lawmaking tool?” Requested by the JURI committee of the European Parliament, IP/C/JURI/IC/2023-044, online

Helen Xanthaki (2018) Written Evidence, House of Lords’ Select Committee on the EU on “Brexit”  

Conference Papers

“Gender sensitive pre-legislative scrutiny” and “Legislative drafting for Parliaments”, Legislative Strengthening Seminar, Westminster, UK Parliament, 22-24 October 2024

“Best practice for regulation and legislation in the EU”, High level event of the Greek Presidency of the Government, Megaron Mousikis, Athens, 19 September 2024  

“Keynote: A new style for EU Acts”, Seminar of the Global Policy Institute, Durham University, 8 March 2024  

Keynote: Better legislation for the EU”, zEvropy podcast, Charles University Czechia, 7 February 2024

“Good law principles and the National Codification Platform, Central Event on the National Codification Platform, Greek Presidency of the Government, 29 November 2023

“Legislative scrutiny: An enlightened approach” in Post-legislative scrutiny Workshop, Westminister Foundation for Democracy and IALS, IALS, 12-17 September 2023  

“Tools for offering context in legislation” in Legislative Drafting and Language Workshop, IALS, 4 July 2023  

“The training of executive officers” in Executive state, EKKDA (National School for Public Administration), Athens, 9 March 2023  

“Strategic foresight, coordination, and digital analysis: the role of executive officers” in Workshop on Digital analysis, Annual Plans for Ministries, and Long-term planning, Athens, 9 March 2023

“Using Artificial Intelligence tools to Enhance the Quality of Legislative Drafting”, International Conference on Justice, Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 5 March 2023

“Keynote: EU legislation as a channel of direct communication with EU citizens”, Renforce Building Block Legislation in an EU context, Utrecht, 18 November 2022

“Easification in Greek legislation”, IAL Conference on Law and Language, Palermo, 14-15 October 2022

“Training Legislative Drafters in Greece: Present and Future”, International Convention of Thessaloniki (Διεθνής Εκθεση Θεσσαλονίκης ΔΕΘ), 11 September 2022  

“Keynote (with Maria Mousmouti): The future of legislative scrutiny”, Korean Legal Research Institute, Seoul, 7 July 2022

“Keynote: New Age objectives clauses as a tool for context and communication in legislation”, Law and Language Conference, IALS, 6 July 2022

“Keynote: Legislative drafting in Greece: Meta”, 14th Law Conference, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 29 June 2022  

“1:1 virtual appointments – an invaluable tool to bridge the distance in distance” (with Jo Tapper), RIDE Conference 2022, London, 16 June 2022

“Keynote: Drafting for reconstruction and development”, Ukraine in the War, 4 April 2022  

“Keynote: Presenting the Legislative Scrutiny Guide for the Parliament of Bhutan” (with Maria Mousmouti), Interparres and Parliament of Bhutan, 7 April 2022

“Keynote: Legislative drafting for development in Energy law”, University of Athens, 4 April 2022

“Πολυδιάστατη ακριβής νομοθετική γλώσσα - η νομοτεχνική στην ελληνική πράξη” (Easified legislative language: nomografy in Greek legislative practice) in Clear Writing / Σαφής γραφή - Πώς να γράφετε για να σας καταλαβαίνουν (Clear Writing – How to write to be understood), European Commission and University of Thessaloniki, 11 March 2022

“Keynote: Art and technology of rules and regulation” in USAID and Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan International Conference “Legal support of strategic reforms: final analysis and new challenges”, Tashkent, 25 February 2022

“Keynote: Good Law and Legislative Effectiveness” in Parliamentary Studies and Governance, Governance & Public Policy Think Tank, Sharif University, Tehran, 23-24 February 2022

“Scrutiny of Greek legislation for sustainability and resilience” in Scrutiny and Resilience Conference of the Greek Society for Scrutiny, Athens, 11 November 2021

“Good legislation in Greece – Progress Report for the Committee for the Scrutiny of the Quality of the Legislative Process at the Presidency of the Republic” in Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens, 11 November 2021

“Reform of EU legislation for sustainable integration” in SLS Conference 2021, University of Durham, 3 September 2021

“Effectiveness of legislation” in Regulation and Governance Conference, University of Exeter, 24 June 2021

“Editing a Legal Journal” in Regulation and Governance Conference, University of Exeter, 24 June 2021

“Legislative Studies in doctoral research: a methodology for legal research”, University of Stockholm, 27 April 2021

“Legislative drafting in the Greek executive state”, Greek National of Public Administration, (online), 14 April 2021

“Keynote: The Comprehensibility of EU Legislation”, 5th European Symposium on the Comprehensibility of Legal Provisions, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection/Council of Europe/Venice Commission/Presidency of Germany – Council of Europe, Berlin (online), 11 March 2021  

“Confidence in EU legislation” in “Confidence in Legislation”, EU institutions, Brussels (online)), 4 February 2021

“Legislation for a sustainable EU” in “Talking law in the EU: clear language, rule of law and legitimacy in the European legal space”, University of Amsterdam (online), 20/21 January 2021

“Legislative studies in LLM theses: a solid methodology for the analysis of legislation”, LLM Workshop, University of Stockholm (online), 20 January 2021

“Gender inclusivity v gender neutrality: a drafting perspective” in Feminism and Legislative Drafting: A Scoping Workshop, King’s College London, 18 November 2020

“Emergency legislation in the COVID19 times”, Nova University of Lisbon, 17 June 2020

“One is never enough: the multi-faceted task to new approaches to delivering learning and teaching objectives” in PT Forum, University of London, 23 March 2020