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Professor Ivan Sammut

Associate Research Fellow

B.A.(Melit.),LL.D.(Melit.), M.Jur.(Melit.), M.A.(Birm.), LL.M.(Bruges), Ph.D.(Lond.) 

University of Malta 

Research Interests

  • European private law
  • European private international law
  • EU Internal Market law Competition law
  • EU aviation law
  • EU legal translations & drafting Justice & Home Affairs law
  • Human Rights/Family Law

Additional Professional Information

  • 2003-2005 European Commission
  • 2005 – resident academic, Faculty of Laws, University of Malta
  • 2005- freelance lawyer in Malta and consultant on European Union law
  • 2016 – present Head of Department European & Comparative law, University of Malta
  • 2019- Associate Professor and Deputy Dean Faculty of Laws
  • 2022 – Jean Monnet Chair in EU law


Books, Book Chapters

Sammut, I. (2021). Introduction - the Maltese legal system and the EU. In I. Sammut, & J. Agranovska (Eds.), The implementation and enforcement of European Union law in small member states - A case-study of Malta (pp. 1-10). London, UK.: Palgrave Macmillan.  

Sammut, I. (2021). EU law and Maltese Law - an integration of illegal irritants. In I. Sammut, & J. Agranovska (Eds.), The implementation and enforcement of European Union law in small member states - A case-study of Malta (pp. 11-45). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.  

Sammut, I. (2021). The transposition and implementation of European Union directives: A case-study of the Maltese legal order in I. Sammut, & J. Agranovska (Eds.), The implementation and enforcement of European Union law in small member states - A case-study of Malta (pp. 89-112). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.  

Sammut, I. (2021). Legal translations: The translation of EU law into the Maltese language - quo Vadis? In I. Sammut, & J. Agranovska (Eds.), The implementation and enforcement of European Union law in small member states - A case-study of Malta (pp. 113-133). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.  

Sammut, I. (2020). A tug of war between rights and obligations: The case of migration from Malta’s perspective. In F. Ippolito, G. Borzoi & F. Casolari (Eds.), Bilateral relations in the Mediterranean, prospects for migration issues (pp. 48-65). Oxford: Edward Elgar Publishing.  

Sammut, I. (2020). Legislation in Malta. In H. Xanthaki, & U. Karen (Eds.), Legislation in European - a country by country guide (pp. 325-336) Hart Publishing.  

Sammut, I. (2020). EU law and criminal law - the legal basis. In I. Sammut, & J. Agranovska (Eds.), Implementing and enforcing EU criminal law - theory and practice (pp. 1-14). The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.  

Sammut, I. (2020). An open method of coordination (OMC) for European criminal law? In I. Sammut, & J. Agranovska (Eds.), Implementing and enforcing EU criminal law - theory and practice (pp. 15-24). The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.  

Sammut, I. (2020). Crimes against the financial interest of the EU. In I. Sammut, & J. Agranovska (Eds.), Implementing and enforcing EU criminal law - theory and practice (pp. 25-38). The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.  

Sammut, I. (2019). 'The EU, from a common market to the charter on human rights: The evolution of fundamental rights. In R. (.). Mangion (Ed.), The UN declaration of human rights 70 years on (pp. 111) Fondazzjonijiet Celebrazzjonijiet Nazzjonali, Malta.

Sammut, I. (2018). 'Developments in the internal market during Malta's presidency', In Harwood M. et al. eds. (Ed.), Malta's EU presidency – A study in a small state presidency of the council on the EU (pp. 27-40) Malta University Publishing,  

Sammut, I. (2016). 'Constructing modern European private law – A hybrid system', UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.  

Sammut, I. (2014). 'Malta report in the area of EU procurement law'. In Neegard U. et al. (eds.) (Ed.), XXVI FIDE congress Copenhagen 2014 reports, public procurement law: Limitations, opportunities, and paradoxes, (pp. Volume 3) University of Copenhagen.  

Sammut, I. (2014). 'Malta: At the crossroads of immigration. In F. Medved (Ed.), The proliferation of migration transition: Selected new EU member states  (pp. 212). Brussels: European Liberal Forum.  

Sammut, I. (2012). ‘Malta report in the area of AFSJ’ In J. Laffranque (Ed.), Reports of the XVV FIDE congress Tallinn 2012 (pp. 461). Tartu, Estonia: University of Tartu.  

Sammut, I. (2012). 'From being an illegal immigrant to becoming an EU citizen: Is the door too widely or too narrowly open, or what?'. P. Xuereb (Ed.), Migration and asylum in Malta and the European Union: Rights and realities 2002 to 2011 (pp. 295). Msida, Malta: Malta University Press.  

Sammut, I. (2011). 'Effectiveness of EU law at the national level: The Maltese experience so far. E. Buttigieg (Ed.), Enforcing One's rights under EU law (pp. 17). Msida, Malta: University of Malta.  

Sammut, I. (2010). 'Malta & EU law' in A. Lazowski (Ed.), The application of EU law in the new member states brave new world (pp. 453). The Hague: TMC Asser Press.  

Sammut, I. (2009). 'The EU and Maltese legal orders: What kind of marriage between them?'. In P. Xuereb (Ed.), Malta in the EU five years on and looking to the future (pp. 97). Msida, Malta: University of Malta.  

Sammut, I. (2008). 'Private international law in family matters from a maltese perspective’. In Di Filippo, M. et al (eds.) (Ed.), Verso un diritto internazionale privato europeo:Risultati e prospettive, (pp. 195). Seville: University of Seville.  

Sammut, I. (2008). 'Does more trade openness increase world poverty?, In P. Xuereb (Ed.), The fight against poverty (pp. 219). Msida, Malta: University of Malta.  

Sammut, I. (2007). 'Competition law in Malta' In Holmes, M. & Davey, L. (eds.) (Ed.), A practical guide to national competition rules across Europe (2nd ed. International Competition Law Series ed., pp. 593). The Hague: Kluwer Law International.  

Sammut, I. (2007). 'Corporate social responsibility in the EU's acquis, regulation v. voluntary conduct'. P. Xuereb (Ed.), Business ethics and religious values in the EU and Malta – for a moral level playing field (pp. 85). Msida, Malta: University of Malta.  

Sammut, I. (2006). 'The relationship between Maltese law and the EU'. Id-Dritt, XIX, 191.

Sammut, I. (2006). 'Family law in the EU's acquis communautaire: Where is it going?' In P. Xuereb (Ed.), The family, law, religion and society in the EU and Malta (pp. 107). Msida, Malta: University of Malta.  

Sammut, I. (2005). 'Harmonisation of private law or private international law – which is the way forward in Europe?'


Sammut, I. (2020). Governance and the transformation of European private law. European Review of Private Law, 28(2), 275-292.  

Sammut, I. (2018). The translation of EU trademarks – a special type of intellectual property translation', International Journal of Legal Discourse, 3(1), 3.  

Sammut I ‘The effect of Multilingualism in the EU on European Legal Translation’, The International Journal for the Rule of Law, Courtroom procedures, Judicial linguistics and Legal English Vol. 2 Issue 1, April 2018, p.30-52 

Sammut, I. (2018). The context for European private Law – Comparative Law, legal transplants & mixed legal systems, The European Legal Forum, (1), 1-12.  

Sammut, I. (2016). 'Interpreting the law in a mixed jurisdiction, the professor vs the judge, peers or rivals'. Loyola Law Review, 62(Fall 2016), 777-808,  

Sammut, I. (2014). 'Legal engineering at the services of European private Law (EPL). [International Journal of International Law] International Journal of International Law, 1(1) 

Sammut, I. (2009). 'Tying the knot in European private law'. European Review of Private Law, 17(5), 813.