Research Interests

International Law; Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy

Additional Information

Professor Daintith was Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies from 1988-1995, and Government Lawyers Training Consultant.



Finders Keepers? How The Law of Capture Shaped the World Oil Industry (Resources for the Future, Washington DC), 500 pp.

The Rule of Capture: the Least Worst Property Rule for Oil and Gas Edited Book, in A. McHarg, B. Barton, A. J. Bradbrook and L. Godden, eds., Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources (Oxford University Press, Oxford), pp. 140-158.

Mixed Public-Private Networks as Vehicles for Regulatory Policy, Comments on the Chapter by Andreas Abegg, in Amstutz and Teubner, eds. Networks: Legal Issues of Multilateral Co-Operation (Oxford, Hart Publishing), pp. 291-308.


Compulsory Unitisation in the Australian Offshore: History’s Lessons for Reform Journal articles, 29 Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal, pp. 317-336.