W. G. Hart Legal Workshop: 2015
Law and the Ageing of Humankind
The W G Hart Legal Workshop 2015 was held at the Institute from Monday 22 June 2015 to Tuesday 24 June 2015. The 2015 Workshop entitled: Law and the Ageing of Humankind brought scholars and practitioners together to explore legal responses to the challenges arising from the 'greying' of the population and the demands of inter-generational equity. It asked whether we need a new category of 'Elder Law', and perhaps an older persons' rights convention. Papers examined developments in domestic laws in various countries (including China, Israel and Germany), developments at European level, internationally and in human rights law. The programme was grouped around themes concerning the human rights of older persons; the recognition of relational issues (such as the protection of friendships and grand-parenting roles); rights to, and within, institutional care (including the role of the Care Standards Tribunal); vulnerability; age discrimination; property, inheritance and taxation issues; and medical decision-making at the end of life.
Academic Directors:
- Professor Jonathan Herring (Oxford University)
- Professor Jean McHale (Birmingham University)
- Professor Jonathan Montgomery (University College London)
- Professor Richard Ashcroft (Queen Mary, University of London)
W. G. Hart Legal Workshop 2015 - Programme of speakers and papers (pdf)
W. G. Hart Legal Workshop 2015 - Abstracts (pdf)